Postal Code Policy


There shall be maintained a single East Kingdom Postal Code Database, which shall contain the official allocation of postal codes which define the respective territories of local branches within the East Kingdom. For the purposes of this policy “Postal Code” is defined as the five-digit Zip Code for the United States and the three-digit Forward Sortation Area code for Canada. This policy is incorporated into the East Kingdom Seneschal’s Handbook as “Appendix-B”.


  1. The Kingdom Seneschal will be responsible for the maintenance of the East Kingdom Postal Code Database (PCD). Routine administration of this database may be delegated to a designated deputy. The regional deputies of the Kingdom Seneschal will coordinate the assignment and/or transfer of postal codes between branches in their respective regions, but final decisions regarding territories of branch boundaries shall reside with the Kingdom Seneschal.
  2. Kingdom Seneschal will advise the corporate office, on at least an annual basis, of the postal codes assigned to all groups within the Kingdom; if changes of postal code assignments warrant, the Kingdom Seneschal may provide interim updates to the corporate office.
  3. Local branch seneschals will maintain an up-to-date listing of the branch’s postal codes, as provided in the East Kingdom Seneschal’s Handbook (EKSH). Changes in the assignment of postal codes will be handled in the following manner:
    1. When a new zip code is created by division of a single existing postal code presently allocated to an existing local branch, that newly created postal code will be allocated to the local branch from whose territory the new postal code was created, as an administrative action. The branch seneschal will inform the regional deputy of the action of the Modern Postal Authority and request an immediate update to the East Kingdom Postal Code Database. The regional seneschal in turn will notify the Kingdom Seneschal, in writing, of the required change; the Kingdom Seneschal or designated deputy will then update the Postal Code Database.
    2. When a new postal code is created by division of more-than-one existing postal code, all of which are allocated to a single existing branch, that newly-created postal code will also be allocated the local branch from whose territory the new postal code was created, as an administrative action. The branch seneschal will inform the regional deputy of the action of the Modern Postal Authority and request an immediate update to the East Kingdom Postal Code Database. The regional seneschal in turn will notify the Kingdom Seneschal, in writing, of the required change; the Kingdom Seneschal or designated deputy will then update the Postal Code Database.
    3. If a new postal code is created by division of more-than-one existing postal code, and these donor postal codes were allocated to neighboring local branches, the following steps shall be taken:
      1. The seneschals of the affected branches shall consult and seek the opinions of the populace residing in the newly created postal code as to their desires for affiliation with one branch or another.
      2. If the desires of the populace residing in the newly created postal codes are clearly in favor of affiliation with one local branch:
        1. The seneschals of the affected branches shall jointly advise the regional seneschal of their assessment, and request that the newly created postal code be allocated the favored branch.
        2. The regional seneschal will confirm the validity of the request and, if warranted, recommend to the Kingdom Seneschal that the change be made.
        3. Should the branches in question be located in two different regions, both regional seneschals will affirm the validity of the request.
        4. Upon the recommendation of the regional seneschal, the Kingdom Seneschal will decide the allocation of the newly created postal code and revise of the Postal Code Database.
      3. If, however, the desires of the populace residing in the newly created postal codes are divided:
        1. The seneschals of the affected branches may ask for a formal polling of the populace of the newly formed postal codes to be taken. Such request must be made jointly to the regional seneschal.
        2. The regional seneschal will assess the size of the affected population to determine whether a formal polling would be in the interests of the kingdom.
          1. If the regional seneschal determines that a formal polling is in the interests of the kingdom, the regional seneschal will make such a recommendation to the Kingdom Seneschal, who shall concur or not.
          2. If the Kingdom Seneschal concurs, a formal polling of the populace will take place in accordance with the general provisions of East Kingdom Law. While the poll may make known the wishes of the populace, the final decision of the allocation of the affected remains with the Kingdom Seneschal.
          3. If the Kingdom Seneschal does not concur, the Kingdom Seneschal shall decide the allocation of the affected postal code.
        3. If the regional seneschal determines that a formal polling is not in the interests of the kingdom, the regional seneschal will recommend a disposition of the affected postal code to the Kingdom Seneschal.
        4. Should the branches party to the dispute lie in two different regions, the regional seneschals will consult before making a joint recommendation to the Kingdom Seneschal as to the necessity of a polling.
    4. All those postal codes not formally allocated to local branches are regarded as Crown Lands. Members who reside in such a postal code may seek formal affiliation with an existing branch by the following means, subject to the provisions of Corpora Section III, Subsection B.
      1. The existing branch must be contiguous to the affected postal code.
      2. The seneschal and populace of the existing branch indicate their willingness to receive the previously unallocated postal code.
      3. Other neighboring branches do not raise objection or competing claims.
      4. If the stipulations cited above are met, the seneschal of the affected branch will notify the regional seneschal of the desires of the members residing in the postal code in question, and request assignment of the postal code to the local branch.
      5. The regional seneschal will validate that all the stipulations are met, and, if the accretion of the territory is judged in the interests of the Kingdom, will make such a recommendation to the Kingdom Seneschal. The Kingdom Seneschal, in turn, will concur or otherwise dispose of the matter.
      6. If the regional seneschal determines that one or more of the stipulations are not met, the matter will be disposed of at that level.
  4. A branch of Baronial or Provincial status may transfer postal codes between itself and any of its subordinate cantons/ridings/etc., or between subordinate cantons/ridings/etc., as follows:
    1. The populace of the branches in question shall agree, in conformity with local custom, to the transfer, and the seneschals of the branches will jointly inform the regional seneschal of the decision.
    2. If substantial opposition should exist among the affected populations, resort may be made to formal polling to determine the opinions of those living in the affected postal codes. Such a measure should be a final resort.
    3. The regional seneschal will validate that the stipulations in question have been met and, if deemed in the interest of the kingdom, shall recommend concurrence to the Kingdom Seneschal.
    4. If approved, the Kingdom Seneschal will update the East Kingdom Postal Code Database to note the change. If the Kingdom Seneschal does not concur, the matter shall either be dismissed or held pending, at the discretion of the Kingdom Seneschal, until any cause for objection is answered or otherwise dealt with.
  5. Neighboring branches may transfer postal codes between them, as follows:
    1. The postal code or codes in question must be contiguous to both branches, and the subsequent transfer would not render other postal codes, belonging to one or the other local branch, noncontiguous.
    2. The populace of the branches in question shall agree, in conformity with local custom, to the transfer, and the seneschals of the branches will jointly inform the regional seneschal of the decision.
    3. If substantial opposition should exist among the affected populations, resort may be made to formal polling to determine the opinions of those living in the affected postal codes. Such a measure should be a final resort.
    4. The regional seneschal will validate that the stipulations in question have been met and, if deemed in the interest of the kingdom, shall recommend concurrence to the Kingdom Seneschal. Should the branches lie in two different regions, both regional seneschals will make a joint recommendation to the Kingdom Seneschal.
    5. If approved, the Kingdom Seneschal will update the East Kingdom Postal Code Database to note the change. If the Kingdom Seneschal does not concur, the matter shall either be dismissed or held pending, at the discretion of the Kingdom Seneschal, until any cause for objection is answered or otherwise dealt with.
  6. If it becomes necessary, for one or more reasons, to dissolve a local branch, the following provisions shall apply:
    1. If the local branch was a canton/riding/etc. subordinate to a Barony or Province, whether incipient or not, the postal codes of the dissolved branch will be reallocated to the parent Barony/Province, as an administrative action. The Kingdom Seneschal will inform the regional seneschal, at the time of the dissolution of the branch, of the decision and update the East Kingdom Postal Code Database accordingly.
    2. If the local branch was an incipient shire created wholly out of Crown Lands, the postal codes will revert to Crown Lands at the time of dissolution, and will remain Crown Lands for a minimum of twelve (12) months from the time of dissolution.
    3. If the local branch was an incipient shire, created from a mixture of Crown Lands and postal codes donated by neighboring branches, those postal codes that were Crown Lands shall revert to Crown Lands. The Regional Seneschal shall recommend to the Kingdom Seneschal whether the previously donated postal codes should revert to the respective donor branches or be declared Crown Lands. If the donated postal codes are declared Crown Lands, they shall remain such for a minimum of twelve (12) months from the time of dissolution.
    4. If the local branch was an incipient shire formed wholly from lands donated by one or more existing branches, the Regional Seneschal shall recommend to the Kingdom Seneschal whether the previously donated postal codes should revert to the respective donor branches or be declared Crown Lands.
    5. If the local branch was not incipient but of long standing, the postal codes will be declared Crown Lands at the time of dissolution, and will remain Crown Lands for a minimum of eighteen (18) months from the time of dissolution.