
Greetings to all who see these words,

Their Royal Majesties Tindal and Emerson
will hold East Kingdom Curia on Thursday, 22 August 2024, at 8:00pm,
conducted ethereally in accordance with SCA, Inc. guidelines.

Meeting link(s) will be made available closer to the Curia date on the EK Seneschal’s website, and via the Curia-announce email list, the EK-announce email list, the EK FB groups, or by email request to the Clerk of Laws or the EK Webminister.

This Curia will include reports of the Greater Kingdom Officers, any revisions to EK Law that the Crown may propose, and any other business the Crown wishes to present.

An agenda and details of any proposed EK Law changes will be provided to those holding seats on the Curia via the dedicated e-list, and also posted on the Seneschal’s web site, when they are available.

in service,
Baroness Eadgyth aet Staeningum, OP, Clerk of Laws
Boyarin Ivan Matfeevich Rezansky, OL, Deputy Clerk of Laws

  • From East Kingdom law:

    Laws may be enacted, amended, or repealed only by the Crown, after consultation with the Curia Regis.

    The purpose of the Curia Regis is for the Crown to solicit and listen to the opinions of those with seats on Curia, giving adequate time for discussion. While it is not a requirement, the Crown is advised to act with the consensus of those with seats on Curia.

    The following are entitled to a seat on the Curia Regis. With the exception of the Crown, these people may send representatives to the Curia to fill their seats if they are unable to attend.

    1. The Crown and Heirs
    2. The Coronet and Heirs of EK Principalities
    3. Kingdom Officers
    4. Local Seneschals

    E. Others Invited

    East Kingdom Royal Peers and Territorial Baron/esses are also invited to attend, and have the right to be heard by the Crown.

    F. Others wishing to attend

    Any other gentle who wishes to attend is welcome, but may speak only if recognized by the Crown.