East Kingdom Curia
Thursday, 30 January 2025, 8:00 p.m.
conducted ethereally in accordance with SCA, Inc. guidelines
(Please review the Special Notes at https://www.eastkingdom.org/event-details/?eid=4370 for information about this Curia meeting.)
- Curia Opening
- Old Business
- New Business
- Following is a summary of major changes. There are also various changes to correct previous typographical errors, establish standardized references, remove wording duplications, &c.
A full markup of all changes will be available on the Kingdom Seneschal’s website shortly. - 3.1 Crown Tournament (Section II, subsection numbers changed)
- Revisions to remove “case-by-case” exceptions to comply with SCA Board requirements that exceptions may not be applied selectively.
- New wording to encompass circumstances of non-rattan combat Crown Tournament.
- New section formalizing awards traditionally presented at Crown Tournament
- 3.2 Curia restructuring (Section III)
- Reorganization of content.
- Revisions to transfer meeting chairmanship from Crown to Kingdom Seneschal.
- Revisions to codify process for Announcements.
- New processes and timelines for Agendas and Decisions
- 3.3 The Crown (Section II, subsection numbers changed)
- Revisions that the Crown will not chair Curia, and may not be a Territorial Baron/ess during the Reign.
- New process and timeline for a Sovereign’s and/or Consort’s temporary absence.
- 3.4 Kingdom Minister of the Lists (Section IV.B.7.)
- Revision to description of duties.
- Revision to distribution of authorized fighter lists.
- 3.5 Clerk of Laws
- IV.C.4. and IV.B.1.d. establish Clerk of Laws as Lesser Officer.
- IV.C.4. and IV.B.1.d. establish Clerk of Laws as Lesser Officer.
- 3.6 Kingdom Youth Earl Marshal (Section IV.C.8.)
- Responsibility revision for setting and enforcing safety standards for youth combat activities.
- Responsibility revision for setting and enforcing safety standards for youth combat activities.
- 3.7 Martial Officer Requirements
- Duties revision for Lesser Kingdom Officers of all martial disciplines to require that current safety standards documents be available on the East Kingdom website.
- Duties revision for Lesser Kingdom Officers of all martial disciplines to require that current safety standards documents be available on the East Kingdom website.
- 3.8 Terms of Office (Section IV.D.)
- Revision to how a Kingdom Officer’s term will be completed if they leave office early.
- Revision to how a Kingdom Officer’s term will be completed if they leave office early.
- 3.9 Removal of Paper Copies
- Revisions to IV.A.7.d., IV.B.2.c., and IV.C.10.a. to remove the obligation to provide paper copies on request of documents published to official Kingdom or Kingdom Officer websites.
- Revisions to IV.A.7.d., IV.B.2.c., and IV.C.10.a. to remove the obligation to provide paper copies on request of documents published to official Kingdom or Kingdom Officer websites.
- 3.10 Royal Guard (Section V.D.)
- Revisions to participants, organization, regalia, and advisors.
- Revisions to participants, organization, regalia, and advisors.
- 3.11 East Kingdom Twelfth Night (Section VIII.A.7.)
- Revision to remove Kingdom sponsorship of event
- Revision to remove redundant wording regarding non-branch or individual hosts.
- 3.12 Awards (Section IX.)
- Revisions to move histories of changes to Orders and Awards to new Appendix C.
- Revisions to Order of Gawain (IX.F.8.) and Order of the Tyger’s Eye (IX.F.10.) age requirement wording for consistency with other youth awards.
- Revision to modify the token for Company of Morpheus (IX.G.13.)
- Following is a summary of major changes. There are also various changes to correct previous typographical errors, establish standardized references, remove wording duplications, &c.
- Officer Reports: NONE (to be submitted and heard 13 February 2025)
- Curia Closure
Next Curia
Thursday, 13 February 2025, at 8:00pm
conducted ethereally in accordance with SCA, Inc. guidelines
to hear reports of the Kingdom Greater Officers and any appropriate discussion of these.
An agenda and details of the proposed EK Law changes will be provided to those holding seats on the Curia via the dedicated e-list, and also posted on the Seneschal’s web site, as soon as they are available.
Meeting link(s) for each Curia will be available in the EK Calendar listings closer to the event dates. https://www.eastkingdom.org/events/
in service,
Baroness Eadgyth aet Staeningum, OP, Clerk of Laws
Boyarin Ivan Matfeevich Rezansky, OL, Deputy Clerk of Laws
EK Law Section III.C. The Agenda for the Curia Regis
- Any items that the Crown adds to the agenda after the Curia Regis has been announced will be added to the agenda under “New Business”.
- Any items of business held over from a prior Curia Regis during the same Reign will be automatically added to the agenda of any subsequent Curia Regis during the same Reign under “Old Business”.
- From East Kingdom law:
Laws may be enacted, amended, or repealed only by the Crown, after consultation with the Curia Regis.
The purpose of the Curia Regis is for the Crown to solicit and listen to the opinions of those with seats on Curia, giving adequate time for discussion. While it is not a requirement, the Crown is advised to act with the consensus of those with seats on Curia.
The following are entitled to a seat on the Curia Regis. With the exception of the Crown, these people may send representatives to the Curia to fill their seats if they are unable to attend.
- The Crown and Heirs
- The Coronet and Heirs of EK Principalities
- Kingdom Officers
- Local Seneschals
E. Others Invited
East Kingdom Royal Peers and Territorial Baron/esses are also invited to attend, and have the right to be heard by the Crown.
F. Others wishing to attend
Any other gentle who wishes to attend is welcome, but may speak only if recognized by the Crown.