
East Kingdom Resumption of In-Person Activities

The Board of Directors has decided that in-person events can resume June 1, 2021, with limitations (see the full Board announcement).

We have updated the East Kingdom’s in-person event guidelines.

A survey to gauge the Kingdom’s level of comfort with returning to events will be sent to branch seneschals and chatelaines. The survey can also be completed online. We encourage the populace to full out the survey so we can better guide the East Kingdom’s slow and careful return to in-person events.

In service to the East Kingdom,

Medhbh, Kingdom Seneschal
Tindal and Alberic, Consules of the East


From the SCA Board of Directors, May 28, 2021

Greetings to the SCA:

In April of this year, the Board of Directors of the SCA, Inc. issued a proclamation allowing in-person events to resume in North America as of June 1, 2021, subject to any federal, state, provincial, or local government health restrictions, and subject to restrictions imposed by the Board to try to ensure the safety of our participants, given conditions of the pandemic at the time. It was stated then that these restrictions would be revisited as appropriate.

At their May 25, 2021 conference call meeting, the Board of Directors of the SCA, Inc. discussed the latest guidance from the CDC, as well as current trends in the United States in particular with regard to the increasing availability of COVID vaccinations and the decreasing incidence of illness and hospitalizations in the United States. The Board then decided to loosen many of the SCA-imposed restrictions effective July 1, 2021. The Resolution released earlier today, spells out the requirements for in-person events going forward from that July 1 date.

The Board further took the following action:

Motion by Dale Fong-Frederick to approve the following language, and require that it appear on all event notices, flyers, online announcements, and advertisements, as well as being posted in multiple locations, including Troll (Registration), at all events:

Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to try to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.

Seconded by Gigi Coulson. Opposed: None. Motion carried.

This language will be required to appear on all event notices, flyers, online announcements, and advertisements, as well as being posted in multiple locations at any and all SCA-sponsored functions going forward. A poster with this statement can be found on the SCA website: Event Sign

A few important notes:

  1. During the month of June, all current restrictions including mask requirements and the 150-person attendance limit remain in effect. The new proclamation does not take effect until July 1.
  2. As always, any and all federal, state, provincial, and local health rules and restrictions must be followed. If your local government does not allow gatherings above a certain size, or requires masks, those restrictions of course must be enforced.
  3. Individual kingdoms are always allowed to impose more restrictions than those imposed by the SCA, Inc. No kingdom is required to begin holding in-person events if the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal do not believe it is safe yet; a kingdom may continue to require face coverings, impose size limits on events, or prohibit overnight camping if it wishes. The President, Society Seneschal, and Board will support kingdoms in resuming events in the way that seems safest for them. Please contact the Society Seneschal at and the President at with questions.
  4. The SCA has always been built on the ideals of chivalry and courtesy. We expect that people will continue to display these values at all times, and respect individuals’ personal choices regarding their own health and safety. The Society Seneschal and the President will continue to work with Kingdom Seneschals to implement the SCA’s return to live events in a safe and responsible manner. We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as we move forward.

Pennsic 49 postponed to 2022

G’Day Everyone,

When taking office in the position of Mayor for Pennsic 49 I made a promise to everyone. That promise was that above all else, I would endeavour to run a fiscally responsible and safe Pennsic 49. It was my dear friend and mentor Viscount Sir Edward that said to me “The people that attend this event are Pennsic, take care of them.” I promised him I would. Then COVID 19 hit and the entire world was plunged into a crisis, the like of which we have not witnessed in our lifetimes.

Over the past few months, I have been in constant discussions with the Pennsic Seneschals Group (PSG), the President of the SCA Inc., Cooper’s Lake Management, and my Pennsic Senior Executive Group. In addition, I have seen the comments from many of you and listened to the comments from my Deputy Mayors and their staff.

I have kept you all updated as much as possible so that you all understand my decision-making process and so that you understand the path I am walking when I make decisions. Although change is happening and things are getting better, I must deal with the now, rather than what I think it may be like in 3 months’ time and unfortunately our vendors needs for commitment and certainty are requiring us to make commitments earlier than we originally intended.

As Mayor of Pennsic 49, I was entrusted with, the welfare and safety of the entire Pennsic Family. It is therefore with great sadness that I must inform you today that, I have decided to Postpone Pennsic 49 for another 12 months to 2022. The new dates for Pennsic 49 will be 29 July 2022 – 14 August 2022. This has been an exceedingly difficult decision to make but I trust you understand the reasoning behind it.

This postponement will be heartbreaking news to many of you and especially to the community surrounding Cooper’s Lake.

It has been arranged with Cooper’s Lake Management, that those who have preregistered for Pennsic 49 may have their registrations rolled over to 2022. If you desire a refund, please go to and log into your pre-registration account.

Even if Pennsic 49 cannot run this July 2021, I remain optimistic that the situation will improve over the next months. I know that some of you have lost loved ones to this pandemic and my Pennsic Team and I send you our condolences and best wishes. I am looking forward to the time when I can share some time with you all at Cooper’s Lake and Pennsic War.

Yours in Service,
Sir Gregory of Loch Swan
Mayor, Pennsic 49