eksenannounce From the EK Seneschal News

2024 Fall Crown Tournament – Letters of Intent

Greetings unto the Populace of the East,

Below you will find the request for Letters of Intent for the 2024 Fall Crown Tournament.

The time has come for the mighty Eastern populace to gather and witness a grand Tournament to determine the Heirs to the Tyger Thrones. All those seeking to enter the Crown Tournament of Matthew and Fiamun must submit their Letter of Intent as outlined below. 

In Service, 
TRH Matthew and Fiamuin


Fall Crown Tournament will be held in the Shire of Mountain Freehold (Rutland, VT) on October 26, 2024.

Letters of Intent must be received no later than 11:59pm Eastern, September 26, 2024.

For eligibility requirements, please review East Kingdom Law Section II.C. (

Note: Pairs intending to fight for each other must each fill out the form as a combatant.

Letters of Intent Submission Form:

In Service to the Kingdom,
Magistra Audrye Beneyt
Deputy Kingdom Seneschal