
Pennsic LI Mayor Announced

Good afternoon! 

With the permission of Their Majesties Ryouko’jin and Indrakshi, it is my honor and pleasure to announce the Mayor of Pennsic 51 has been chosen.

Baron Estgar aet Hrofeceastre OL, OP (modernly Ian Stewart) will helm Pennsic 51 in 2024.  His Excellency is well known to the Pennsic community and has been part of the staff in one way or another for over 15 years.  He has been fascinated by the Herculean efforts of the Pennsic volunteers since his very first time attending during Pennsic 27. Now, he’s looking forward to finding ways to improve the experiences for everyone with a focus on accessibility. 

We look forward to the light and passion he will bring to the role and seeing what Pennsic 51 has in store! 

In Service, 
Magistra Audrye Beneyt

East Kingdom Seneschal 

Danielle Hunt
Regional VP of Operations, SCA Inc