Good afternoon to the Tyger Populace!
I’m going to attempt to start doing a “weekly newsletter” of sorts to let you know what kinds of things are going on, and where I/We stand on certain situations. I’m hoping for weekly, but the reality is, it might be a bi-weekly update. It will cover things like the current state of the Kingdom, COVID, what events I’ll be attending, and other things as needed.
You’ll be able to find it here on the Seneschal’s Website, but it will also be cross-posted to the EK-Announce Lists as well Facebook/Discord.
State of the Kingdom
As one might imagine, the populace is a bit animated with the lifting of COVID restrictions in a rapid fashion. The voices are being heard in my office from both sides of the fence. This has caused a bit of delayed response, unfortunately, because it is important that I be able to read through all of the responses. While I may not always respond to every single one, they are being heard.
The other side effect to the email-chaos, is that some emails have slipped through the cracks and into a filter that should not have been the case! I’m pretty tech savvy, but even I get caught up sometimes! If you have not heard from me inside of a week regarding something, please resend the original email to me so I can review it.
Generally speaking, though, the events I have attended all seem to be in good spirits and people are happy to be together more regularly. It’s important to take care of ourselves and be cognizant of our own health as we continue to move forward. I would ask all local groups to continue to encourage spaces where all members of the populace can attend, whether they be in-person, online meetings, or a combination of both.
COVID Restrictions
And that brings me to the hot-topic directly. I have heard many voices both for and against the lifting of restrictions.
Some local groups have requested variances to the policies regarding indoor masking for events and local gatherings. Generally speaking, I have been granting them. In full transparency, I am not granting any variances regarding the vaccination/negative COVID tests as the Policy as written (and kept by the Board of Directors) is no longer effective as an actual measure of safety. I’ll leave that conversation for in person discussions, and am happy to have that.
I am currently working on a variance request to Society which, if successful, I believe will make much of the populace feel better, and provide a measure of control at a local level. It is presently being drafted and I’ll be sending it off to the Society Seneschal for review by the end of the week.
Thank you to all those who have shared their opinions, both for and against, the restrictions. And an extra thank you to all who have reached out to share words of support for the role and me personally while this is all going on. It has meant the world to me to see a message or an email pop in saying that they care and hope I am weathering all of this okay.
In closing, I really appreciate the effort and care the populace puts in to this Kingdom. Whether as a regular attendee of gatherings in person or virtual, a volunteer, a member of landed nobility, or the Crown, the passion of people in this Kingdom are what drew me to this role as Seneschal and will continue to drive my work here.
Thank you all for everything you do, and I hope to see you soon. The events I’ll be at are shared at the bottom of this note!
In Service,
Upcoming Events
You’ll be able to find me at the following events:
October 29, 2022 – Crown Tournament of Mohammad and Corotica
November 12, 2022 – St. Eligius Arts & Sciences
November 18, 2022 – 100 Minutes War