
September 14, 2022 — UPDATE: COVIDSafe and Masking Policies

Good morning Tyger Populace,

Their Majesties, Their Highnesses and I have heard much from the populace regarding the change to the COVIDSafe and Masking policies in the Kingdom.

Several have asked who was consulted regarding possible changes to policy, and I can confirm that I directly reached out to all local seneschals approximately a month ago for feedback regarding the masking policies. In addition, we have heard privately from many of the populace who wish to see the masking policies reduced to be brought in line with state and local guidance, but are afraid to speak out publicly.

With that said, given the resolution from the Board of Directors, we still believe prolonging the decision to remove the restrictions is not in the best interest of the Kingdom as a whole. However, we regret that we did not acknowledge the need for socializing the change and the travel plans for many of our populace for the upcoming weekend when making our initial decision. As a result, the following adjustment has been made:

The COVIDSafe Policy and all Masking Policy restrictions will be dropped effective October 1, 2022.

The seneschal of your local group can reach out to me directly to request a variance for an event or official gathering/practice on masking policies only. The COVIDSafe policy cannot be adjusted on an event by event basis.

After December 1, 2022, all variances requested will have to be passed through the Society Seneschal.

Again, we thank you for your candid conversations regarding the policy changes and know that adjustment is always hard for everyone involved. Please remember courtesy and kindness when interacting with others.

In Service,
Magistra Audrye Beneyt
East Kingdom Seneschal

Ryouko-jin & Indrakshi
King and Queen of the East Kingdom

Mohammad & Corotica
Prince and Princess of the East Kingdom

French Translation Forthcoming

Please see original announcement here.