eksenannounce From the EK Seneschal Help Wanted News

Applications Sought for Kingdom Seneschal

Greetings once more to the Tyger Populace,

The days are growing shorter, much as my tenure in the role of Kingdom Seneschal does. As a result, I am seeking applications for the successor to this office.

The expected timeline is as follows:
~ Applications Accepted through December 24, 2023
~ Short round of interviews of potential candidates with myself as well as the Royals
~ Decision made by January 18, 2023
~ Training to follow with anticipated step up in mid-end March 2024

I will remain with the new Kingdom Seneschal, ensuring successful transition and ease of entry. There will also be a crew of former Kingdom Seneschals in the wings to provide support and guidance.

The full job description and expectations can be found on the application itself.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. It has been my honor to helm the Kingdom.

In Service,
Magistra Audrye Beneyt
East Kingdom Seneschal