Crown Tournament List eksenannounce News

Fall Crown Tournament Entrants Announced

Greetings to the Tyger Populace!

At the request of Sultan Mohammad and Brenhines Corotica, valiant and wise rulers of the East, do I announce the entrants into Their Crown Tournament to be held on October 29, 2022 in the Province of Malagentia.

Event Listing:

Tournament Format:

Their Majesties would remind all entrants that both Combatant and Consort must present themselves before the Tyger Thrones on the day of Their Tournament. Should either not be present, the pair will be removed from the tournament.

For the glory and honor, and the service to the East Kingdom, the entrants to the List are as follows:

Sir Vissevald Selkirksson, fighting for Countess Mara Tudora Kolarova
Brennan mac Fearghus, Dux, fighting for Caoilfhionn inghean Fhaolain, Dux
Sir Arturus of Aranmore, fighting for Maîtresse Ellice de Valles
Jarl Valgard Stonecleaver, fighting for Lady Gracia Vasquez de Trillo
Baron Wulfhere of Stonemarche, fighting for Viscountess Gwenllian Rhiannon of Dragonkeep
The Honorable Lord Sigurdr Berserker, fighting for Mistress Eleanore MacCarthaigh
Master Karl Meerstappa, fighting for Mistress Anne of Framlingham
Lord Thorbjorn thorfinnsson, fighting for Syr Osgkar of the Wood
Syr Angus Gove MacKinon, fighting for Mistress Ciara MacRobie
Lord Wilhelm Van Hammaburc, fighting for Sir Edward Macgyver dos Scorpus
Sir Zhigmun’ Czypsser, fighting for Mistress Leda Zipyos
Sir Angus McHaley, fighting for Mistress Tadea Isabetta di Bruno
Master Aethelhawk Keyfinder, fighting for Baroness Siubhan Wallace
Master Tiberius Iulius Rufus Primus, fighting for Lord Vopiscus Rufius Donatus
Lady Leurona Winterborne, fighting for Sir Ketilfastr Thorkilson
Doyen Richard Crowe, fighting for Lady Ameria Brown
Sir Vlad Iliescu, fighting for Mistress Molly Schofield
Master Giles William Trout called Billyfish, fighting for Baroness Mægwynn filia Brun
Baroness Juliana de Essex, fighting for Sir Euric Germanicus
Doctorae Pandarus and Baroness Timeria Sthenone called Timbrien, fighting for each other
Sir Duarcain MacWard, fighting for Maestra Cathain Reiter
Sir Galbraith MacGowan, fighting for The Honorable Syrine Al-Sakina Bint Houriya
Lord Thomas De Winterwade, fighting for Lady Sara of Stonley
The Honorable Lord Finan mac Bressail, fighting for The Honorable Lady Alys Treeby
The Honorable Lord Matthew MacGyver and Baroness Lillian Stanhope, fighting for each other
The Honorable Lord Titus Claudius Silvanus, fighting for Lady Anna Serena
Lord Damhan MacRonain, fighting for The Honorable Lady Agnes Marie De Calais
The Honorable Lord Volmar Sollons, fighting for Baroness Iulia Baebiana
The Honorable Lord Corwin Blackthorn, fighting for Lady Ada Wright
Baron Fearghus Mac Cailin, fighting for Baroness Catriona bean mhic Cailin
The Honorable Lord Marcus Atilius Pansa, fighting for Lady Artemisius Octavia Pansa
Baron Pádraig Ó Brádaig called Samson, fighting for Lady Martha bean ui Bhradaigh
Sayyid Kiril Al-Ghadab Hallamet, fighting for Baroness Aïcha Al-Khayr bint Qamar
Baron Vladimir Bathory, fighting for Lady Andrea Noelle Bathory
Lord Albrecht Ostergaard, fighting for Baronessa Daniela Rosa da Venezia
Sayyid Rafi al-qasid, fighting for Shiklah al-zarqa
Lord Thorfin Jarnison, fighting for Lord Bjorn Fairhair
Louis of Clan MacWard, fighting for Aureliana Laskarina

In Service to the Crown and Kingdom,
Magistra Audrye Beneyt
East Kingdom Seneschal

Crown Tournament List eksenannounce News

Crown Tournament Format

This is a copy of the Crown Tournament Format from Count Wilhelm, Kingdom Marshal of Armored Combat.

Unto the amazing populace of the East Kingdom do I, your friendly neighborhood Wilhelm, send greetings!

The following is the format for the upcoming crown tourney of Mohammad and Corotica.

  • To start, there will be four Round Robin buckets with the best four from each list advancing to the Sweet Sixteen.
  • The Sweet Sixteen will be broken down to two groups of eight for another Round Robin!
  • The two with the best records from each group will advance to the final four.
  • The final four will process into the list and be presented to their Majesties
  • From there, the final four will then have a four person Round Robin with the top two advancing to the finals.
  • All ties at the end of the round robins will fight a single fight with the winner advancing
  • The Finals will be best out of seven, matched weapon forms (the weapons themselves need not match) no previous wounds retained.
  • Round 1: Spear.
  • Round 2: Loser from round one picks the next weapon form and so on.
  • No individual combatant may pick the same form twice, however the same form may be chosen by both combatants.
  • If we reach round seven, it will be bring your best form

I am going to repeat this until you hear it in your sleep. Check your armor and weapons prior to leaving for the event. Make sure your armor is in good repair and your weapons all meet parameters as everything will be inspected thoroughly. Bring tools for repairs that may happen while there as that is the worst way to be knocked out of a tourney.

Fight hard, fight honorably, and do honor unto to the one who inspires you that day.

In Service,


En Francais

Au merveilleux Peuple du Royaume de l’Est, moi, votre dévoué serviteur Wilhelm, vous salue !

Ce qui suit est le format que prendra le prochain tournoi de la Couronne de Leurs Altesses Royales, Mohammad et Corotica.

  • Pour débuter, il y aura 4 groupes de tournois à la ronde ou les quatre meilleurs de chaque lice se qualifieront pour la ronde suivante.
  • Les seize finalistes seront séparées en deux groupes de huit pour un second tournoi à la ronde.
  • Les deux meilleurs des deux groupes passeront à la finale des quatre.
  • Les quatre finalistes défileront dans la lice pour être présentés à Leurs Majestés.
  • Les quatre finalistes procéderont à un tournoi à la ronde ou les deux meilleurs se retrouveront en finale.
  • Toute égalité à la fin du tournoi à la ronde sera résolue par un combat singulier.
  • La finale sera un quatre de sept ou les armes seront prédéterminées.
  • Premier combat; La Lance.
  • Second combat et suivant; le perdant du premier combat choisit l’arme du prochain combat et ainsi de suite.
  • Un combattant ne peut choisir deux fois la même forme. Cependant, la même forme peut être choisie par chacun des combattants.
  • Si nous devons en arriver à un ultime septième combat, les combattants pourront choisir leurs armes de prédilection.

Je ne répéterai jamais assez souvent : vérifiez votre armure et vos armes avant de quitter pour l’événement. Assurez-vous que votre armure est en bon état et que vos armes répondent toutes aux paramètres, car tout sera inspecté à fond. Apportez des outils pour les réparations qui peuvent survenir pendant le tournoi, car c’est la pire des façons d’être éliminé d’un tournoi.

Combattez férocement, combattez loyalement et honorez celui ou celle qui vous inspirera tout au long du tournoi.

Au Service,



East Kingdom Resumption of In-Person Activities

The Board of Directors has decided that in-person events can resume June 1, 2021, with limitations (see the full Board announcement).

We have updated the East Kingdom’s in-person event guidelines.

A survey to gauge the Kingdom’s level of comfort with returning to events will be sent to branch seneschals and chatelaines. The survey can also be completed online. We encourage the populace to full out the survey so we can better guide the East Kingdom’s slow and careful return to in-person events.

In service to the East Kingdom,

Medhbh, Kingdom Seneschal
Tindal and Alberic, Consules of the East