eksenannounce From the EK Seneschal News

Letters of Intent – Spring Crown Tournament 2024

Greetings to the East!

Below is the missive from Their Highnesses Tindal and Emerson regarding Crown Tournament Letters of Intent.

Greetings unto the populace of the mighty Eastern Kingdom.  

As We shake off the cold of the winter months, We look to Our Coronation and the need to assure the succession of the Kingdom.  We invite all those worthy gentles of the East, who wish to take up arms against all comers at Our Crown Tournament, to make themselves known to Us.  We look forward to seeing the field of competitors for Our Crown Tournament.

TRH Tindal and Emerson


Spring Crown Tournament will be held in the Shire of Lyndhaven on May 5, 2024.  The Event listing can be found here:

Letters of Intent must be received no later than 11:59pm Eastern, March 31, 2024.

For eligibility requirements, please review East Kingdom Law Section II.C. (

Note: Pairs intending to fight for each other must each fill out the form as a combatant.

Letters of Intent Submission Form:

In Service to the Kingdom,
Magistra Audrye Beneyt
Kingdom Seneschal

eksenannounce From the EK Seneschal News

Announcements and Appointments

Greetings to the East Kingdom Populace!

It is my great joy to announce the appointment of Baron Thomas of Effingham as my successor in the role of Kingdom Seneschal. His appointment is blessed by both the Crown, Heirs, and the Society Seneschal with the transition to occur at Coronation on April 6, 2024.

Thomas, or “Eff” as we affectionately refer to him, has been on the inner circle of the office since Pennsic 50 and has been actively learning the ins and outs of the role. That said, please allow him some grace to settle in firmly once the hand over occurs.

In addition, now that Eff is firmly positioned for transition, I’d like to announce the new Regional Deputies. I apologize for delaying the announcement on these, as I wanted to make sure Eff was included on the decision making process.

Tir Mara Baroness Leana Doucet will be taking over the role effective immediately. Leana has served her local group as the Baroness since 2019 and will be stepping down at the end of this month. In addition, Her Excellency has served the Kingdom as a Champion and herald. We are glad to have her step up and spread her wings to shepherd Tir Mara going forward.

Central RegionPomestnik Andreiko Eferiev will be stepping up into the Central Region Deputy role effective immediately. Andreiko comes to the region as a very active participant, holding various offices in both his local group as well as at a Kingdom level. I have every confidence he will settle in to the role with ease and the region will be better for having him.

Southern RegionHis Grace, Brennan Dux, will be stepping into the role effective immediately. His knowledge of the Kingdom and specifically local groups in the southern region will allow him to provide support and encouragement as needed.

I want to thank all of the outgoing regional deputies for their service, helping me through my term as Kingdom Seneschal, and being an amazing source of support. They have all allowed me to focus on the Kingdom as a whole by staying engaged with their regions. I know their successors will do the same for Eff.

This won’t be my last missive as Kingdom Seneschal. There are still 63 days to go. I look forward to seeing you all at upcoming events!

In Service,
Magistra Audrye Beneyt
East Kingdom Seneschal

eksenannounce From the EK Seneschal Help Wanted News

Applications Sought for Kingdom Seneschal

Greetings once more to the Tyger Populace,

The days are growing shorter, much as my tenure in the role of Kingdom Seneschal does. As a result, I am seeking applications for the successor to this office.

The expected timeline is as follows:
~ Applications Accepted through December 24, 2023
~ Short round of interviews of potential candidates with myself as well as the Royals
~ Decision made by January 18, 2023
~ Training to follow with anticipated step up in mid-end March 2024

I will remain with the new Kingdom Seneschal, ensuring successful transition and ease of entry. There will also be a crew of former Kingdom Seneschals in the wings to provide support and guidance.

The full job description and expectations can be found on the application itself.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. It has been my honor to helm the Kingdom.

In Service,
Magistra Audrye Beneyt
East Kingdom Seneschal

eksenannounce From the EK Seneschal News

Tragedy in Maine

Greetings to the Tyger Populace,

As many may have heard by now, there was a significant mass casualty event which occurred in Lewiston, Maine last evening. Lewiston is part of the Riding of Ravensbridge which is within the Province of Malagentia.

Many who are in the SCA have checked in to let the community know they are safe and we are thankful for those who have. With that said, there will undoubtedly be impact to both family and friends. 

If you find yourself struggling with what has occurred, we encourage you to reach out to local professionals and resource groups being made available. We have provided links to the various 211 Resource programs in the United States and Canada at the bottom of this message.

The Kingdom is committed to assisting the various communities as we get through this tragedy. Should accommodations be needed for events, gatherings, etc, please have your local Seneschal reach out so we can do our best to serve you.

The East is mighty and we stand together in the face of tragedy. We are here for all of you.

In Service,
Magistra Audrye Beneyt
East Kingdom Seneschal

King Matthias and Queen Feilinn
Crown of the East


New Hampshire:
Rhode Island:
New York:
New Jersey:

eksenannounce From the EK Seneschal News

Fall Crown Tournament List

Below is a list of the entrants for the Crown Tournament of King Matthias and Queen Æsa feilinn for Fall 2023.

  • Duke Vissevald Selkirksson, fighting for Countess Mara Kolarova
  • Duke Magnus Tindal, fighting for Baron G. Emerson True
  • Count Valgard Stonecleaver, fighting for Lady Gracia Vasquez de Trillo
  • Honorable Lord Wulfhere of Stonemarche, fighting for Viscountess Gwenllian Rhiannon of Dragonkeep
  • Viscount Culann mac Cianain, fighting for Viscountess Sefa Hrafnsdóttir
  • Master Karl Meerstappa, fighting for Mistress Anne of Framlingham
  • Honorable Lord Sigurdr Berserkr, fighting for Doyenne Pagan Graeme
  • Sir Lucius Aurelius Varus, fighitng for Mistress Saerlaith ingen Chennetig
  • Sir Matthew D’Arden, fighting for Mistress Fia Kareman
  • Master Tiberius Iulius Rufus Primus, fighting for Lord Vopiscus Rufius Donatus
  • Sir Ketilfastr Thorkilsonand the Honorable Lady Leurona Winterborne, fighting for each other
  • Master Tiernan MacAlpin, fighting for Master Aciterix Caldius Julius Cittinius
  • Doyen Richard Crowe, fighting for Lady Ameria Brown
  • Sir Vlad Iliescu, fighting for Mistress Molly Schofield
  • Master Giles William Trout, fighting for Baroness Maegwynn filia Brun
  • Sir Pandarus, called Panda, and Baroness Timeria Sthenone, called Timbrien, fighting for each other
  • Sir Duarcain MacWard, fighting for Maestra Cathain Reiter
  • Syr Matthew MacGyver and Baroness Lillian Stanhope, fighting for each other
  • Baron Ceawlin Alreding, fighting for Baroness Molly Blythe
  • Honorable Lord Eoghan Bastard mac Lachlainn, fighting for Lady Chiara di Marzo da Venezia
  • Honorable Lord Volmar Sollons, fighting for Propraetrix Iulia Baebiana
  • Honorable Lord Friedrick Berkhymer, fighting for Lady Chana Freidl the Maker
  • Honorable Lord Corwin Blackthorn, fighting for Lady Ada Wright
  • Baron Fearghus Mac Cailin and Honorable Lord Gilbert Christian Blackmoore, called Gilchrist, fighting for each other
  • Lord Wilhelm van Hammaburc, fighting for the Honorable Lady Katla of Viborg
  • Honorable Lord Michal Bialy, fighting for Nicasia Leontodes
  • Baron Ludovic of Carolingia and Baroness Röskva Mac Cianain, called Widowmaker, fighting for each other
  • Honorable Lord Ragnarr Blaskegg, fighting for Lady Arnora Ketilsdottir
  • Baron Vladimir Bathory, fighting for Lady Andrea Noelle Bathory
  • Lady Saga mac Cianin, fighting for Baron Sirion Dobbs
  • Nobilis Svafnir Thorvaldson. fighting for Lady Millicent Rowan
  • Lord Thorfin Jarnison, fighting for Lord Bjorn Fairhair
  • Lord Bran mac Cianain, fighting for Lady Ashling MacKynnand
  • Lord Thorvald Olafsson Kveld-Hrútssonar, fighting for Melisande De La Mer
  • Um Ishaq Sara bint Abu Zakariya, fighting for Lady Fayette des Rothenburg

The format for Crown Tournament can be found here:

Event Listing:

eksenannounce From the EK Seneschal News

Letters of Intent – Fall Crown Tournament 2023

Greetings to the great Tyger Populace! 

War is behind us and Their Highnesses Matthias and Æsa Feilinn seek Heirs to aide in guiding the great Tyger realm through peace and prosperity. 

Fall Crown Tournament will be held in the Barony of Carolingia on November 4, 2023.  The Event listing can be found here:

Letters of Intent must be received no later than 11:59pm EDT, September 30, 2023.

For eligibility requirements, please review East Kingdom Law Section II.C. (

Link to submit your Letter of Intent:

Note: Pairs intending to fight for each other must each fill out the form as a combatant.

In Service to the Kingdom,
Magistra Audrye Beneyt
East Kingdom Seneschal

eksenannounce From the EK Seneschal News Pennsic

Pennsic War Thank You

Greetings to the beautiful Eastern Kingdom,

Now that we have been home from Pennsic nearly a week, I wanted to share some important words.

Thank You!

Thank you to each and every one of you who showed courtesy, honor, and comported yourself appropriately at War. You made the Kingdom proud through your acts of kindness, generosity, and courtesy. I often saw people reaching out to others, seeing if they could help with setup/teardown of personal camps, fetch things, grab a small person for a couple of hours so parents could be parents, carry water, etc. The list goes on.

Thank You!

For all those who volunteered their time to run a class, take a watch shift, help at Family Point, Herald’s Point, Info Point, Gate, etc. Each hour you gave to the cause, meant an hour someone got to enjoy the activities they wanted to. And that shared time is reciprocal, you get to enjoy your activities when someone else is volunteering.

Thank You!

If you took time to help set up or take down EK Royal, work as hospitality or guard, or were one of the leadership in that space, I want to thank you. That space looked amazing this year, and it was so very welcoming. I sat there on middle Saturday in the garden and just talked with people who came in, embroidered a bit, and enjoyed the time in the cool breeze. This time of relaxation and community would not be possible without your dedicated efforts to the Kingdom. For all those who helped set up Tuesday’s court, direct traffic and seating, and kept aisles clear, I cannot thank you enough.

Thank You!

There are no words that begin to approach my level of thanks to those who serve as staff at Pennsic. You are there far longer than the rest of us, work every single day, and give up your vacation so that more than 11,000 people can gather with friends and family from across the world. Pennsic seems so smooth and calm from the outside. It’s like watching a duck on the pond. They look so serene on the surface, but underneath their feet are just paddling away to keep everything running. To each and every one of you, thank you for your sacrifices, your work, and the community you build with your time and effort. Thank you for checking in, making sure everyone is enjoying their time, and if they need anything. No one truly sees the work you put in, and that’s the sign of a well coordinated and run event. Thank you. Those two words will never be enough.

Only 343 days until land-grab starts. But who’s counting?

With all my love,

Audrye, East Kingdom Seneschal

eksenannounce From the EK Seneschal News

Check Your Membership Account

Good evening, Tyger Populace!

As you may (or maybe don’t) know, during the first quarter of the year, SCA Corporate transferred the membership data from one platform to another. Without getting in to all the details, some of the data did not transfer correctly. We have run in to several situations where members are not appearing in the appropriate groups / kingdoms as a result of the transfer.

If you have not already done so, please log in to your SCA Membership Portal through the SCA Membership Page here:

Please review your contact information (especially your mailing address, including zip code) and ensure it is correct.

If you are unsure of how to access your account, follow the steps provided in the February 8, 2023 release from the Corporate office here:

There are several groups who are either in the process of a status or baronial polling, or who are coming due for one. This is especially important to do for the members of those groups.

If you have any questions regarding your membership account, please direct them to The East Kingdom Webministry does not have the access to assist.

I want to thank Maestro David Vázquez de Valençia, our Kingdom Postal Legatus for sharing initial concerns about the data integrity. And I also want to thank The Honorable Lady Aurelia Colleoni a’Buccafurno, Seneschal of Panthervale for confirming her group’s list was incorrect and then helping me confirm that her address had updated successfully in the new system.

Please share this message far and wide, so that it reaches as many folks as possible.

In Service,
Magistra Audrye Beneyt
East Kingdom Seneschal

Crown Tournament List eksenannounce From the EK Seneschal News

Spring Crown Tournament List & Format

Combatants & Consorts List

Below is the currently accepted list of those who wish to compete for the Spring Crown Tournament of Brennan & Caoilfhionn to be held on May 6 in the Crown Province of Ostgardr.

If your name does not appear on this list, it is because either the combatant or consort (or both) has not completed the submission of the EK Law quiz provided by Their Majesties. Please contact them directly at The quiz can still be completed prior to the event.

Sir Matthias Grunewald, fighting for Baroness Æsa feilinn Jossursdottir

Jarl Valgard Stonecleaver, fighting for Lady Gracia Vasquez de Trillo

Viscount Culann mac Cianain, fighting for Viscountess Sefa Hrafnsdóttir

The Honorable Lord Sigurdr Berserker, fighting for Mistress Eleanore MacCarthaigh

Master Karl Meerstappa, fighting for Mistress Anne of Framlingham

Syr Angus Gove MacKinon, fighting for Mistress Ciara MacRobie

Sir Matthew D’Arden, fighting for Mistress Fia Kareman

Master Æthelhawke Keyfinder, fighting for Mistress Siubhan Wallace

Master Sigurthr Vigurhafn, fighting for Mistress Medhbh inghean Ui Cheallaigh

Doyen Richard Crowe, fighting for Lady Ameria Brown

Sir Klaus Winterhalter Von Wallachia, fighting for Baroness Anastasia Kurt-Kalbi

Doctorae Pandarus and Baroness Timeria Sthenone, called Timbrien, fighting for each other

Sir Turi MacKinnon, fighting for Baroness Marguerite de Sainte Nazaire

Baron Talan Gwyllt, fighting for The Honorable Lady Alison Wodehalle

The Honorable Lord Matthew MacGyver, fighting for Baroness Lillian Stanhope

The Honorable Lord Titus Claudius Silvanus, fighting for Lady Anna Serena

Andromidus Leonida, fighting for Baroness Lily Morgaine

The Honorable Lord Corwin Blackthorn, fighting for Lady Ada Wright

The Honorable Lord Michal Bialy, fighting for Nicasia Leontodes

The Honorable Lord Ludovic of Carolingia and Lady Röskva Mac Cianain, called Widowmaker, fighting for each other

Baron Pádraig Ó Brádaig, called Samson of Ireland, fighting for Lady Martha bean ui Bhradaigh

The Honorable Lord Albrecht Ostergaard, fighting for Baronessa Daniela Rosa da Venezia

Baron Lawrence Vaughan, fighting for Lady Lillian Hutchinson

Baron Vladimir Bathory, fighting for Lady Andrea Noelle Bathory

Lady Saga mac Cianin, fighting for Baron Sirion Dobbs

Lord Ragnarr Blaskegg, fighting for Lady Arnora Ketilsdottir

Lord Wilhelm Van Hammaburc, fighting for Ailbhe AElffricesdohter

Lord Thorfin Jarnison, fighting for Lord Bjorn Fairhair

The Honorable Lord Wee Hawk of Panther Vale, fighting for Lady Angela of Panthervale

Lord Michel Biornson of the Isles, fighting for Vigdís Eldr

Guillame Du Chantier, fighting for Ezra Dei Bazzi

Tournament Format

The format for Crown Tournament will be as follows:

All bouts will be “bring your best” until the semi-finals.

There will be 4 round robin pools. Each will advance 4 combatants to a double-elimination Sweet 16.

At the semi-finals, 2 combatants from the winners’ list will each face a combatant from the defeated list. The semi finals will be fought rotating, non-repeating, weapons forms. The combatant from the winners’ list will have to win once. The combatant from the defeated list will have to win twice. First choice of weapons forms will go to the combatant from the winners’ list.

In the finals, all previous losses will be forgiven.

The finals will be a best of 5 with rotating, non-repeating weapons forms. The first bout of the finals will be fought with long sword in the Queen’s honor. The loser of the long sword bout will choose the next weapons form, and so on until a winner is decided. Long sword may be chosen by a combatant.

eksenannounce From the EK Seneschal News

Spring Crown Tournament – Letters of Intent

Greetings unto the Tyger Populace!

Their Highnesses Brennan and Caoilfhionn are seeking Heirs to stand by Their side through the coming wars.

Spring Crown Tournament will be held in the Province of Ostgardr. The event listing can be found here:

Letters of Intent will be accepted through April 5, 2023 at 11:59pm Eastern.

Their Highnesses will be sending a follow-up email to all entrants regarding East Kingdom Law and Corpora (Governing Documents of the SCA). This email will need a response in order to have your Letter of Intent considered.

Letters of Intent can be submitted through the following form:

If you have questions, or trouble with the form, please contact me directly at

In Service,
Magistra Audrye Beneyt
East Kingdom Seneschal